6 Tips To Start Your Day


The beginning of the day is extremely important as the starting point of the day sets the tone of your whole day. The first hour of the day sets the tone for how energetic we feel, how much stuff we need to complete, and being stressed. Some straight get into the household chores and some begin with some exercise or meditation. While some begin their day with Surya Namaskar and meditation, some of the people do yoga as soon as they get up. It is not that everyone else is doing yoga and meditation so you should have your own set of rules. There are many productive things you can do as your morning rituals and they are – 

Wake Up at the Same Time

You must wake up at the same time as this improves your brainpower and your body will also gets use to it. The rhythms function more productively if we wake up at the same time. It brings the discipline and we will be able to accomplish more and more. This, in turn, will make us feel happy and healthier. 

Plan a Night Before

You may plan your day a night before or make a to-do list for the day. This will release the stress you might have of the hectic work schedules. The planning will also assist you in the work-life balance. You should avoid electronics just before sleeping at night. Instead of using electronics make a list of work to be completed before the end of the next day. 

Never Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Also, you may begin your day with drinking lemon water which is beneficial for the body. The glass of lemon water fires up your metabolism, rehydrates your body from a full night of sleeping without having fluids, and fuels your brain for a productive day. You must include high-quality proteins like eggs, flaxseed or salmon, and healthy grains like oatmeal. 

Verbalize Gratitude

You must be grateful for the things you have in your life. You must think about the three things you are thankful for while brushing your teeth or maybe in a shower. Having an attitude of gratitude sets the tone of stress relief. Isn’t it beautiful to set the tone of the day with the attitude of success? 

Listen to Music

If your belief in God then you may begin your day with some bhajan or Om chanting mantra. If you don’t wish to listen to religious music then you must begin with your day with some relaxing music. You may even try singing the songs along with playing music. It is said to lift your mood and also add energy to your day. Music uplifts your mood and you will certainly feel energetic the whole day. 

Exercise or Walk

It is important for health to take at least one hour for exercise or a few minutes of walking. There is no alternative to exercise/ walking for a healthy body. Exercise makes the body and mind healthy. It improves your overall health and also gives you the fresh air which is crucial for the lungs. 

If you don’t begin your day with some positivity or healthy routine then chances are you might end up being stressed and frustrated. You may feel tired and unproductive for the whole day. Fitness is certainly the lifestyle and everyone has their idea of beginning their day. A healthy start of the day means developing healthy habits for life. 

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