The Complete Guide to Plant-Based Protein: Benefits and Sources 

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There is no denying that the world is moving towards environmentally sustainable solutions. One of the concepts that are making its place is veganism, and if we discuss it from the perspective of fitness industry, plant-based protein is getting preferred. What we understand by veganism is the diet which particularly is plant-based. Talking about Veganism, it is a practice that strictly abstains from the use of animal products, including dairy products and eggs. As more and more people are making a shift towards plant-protein, let us talk about this concept in detail!  

But first, let’s get a gist about protein, which is essential for the human body.  

Protein: Essential for the Human Body  

Protein: Essential for the Human Body banner image

Protein is essentially found in our body, in muscle, bone, skin, hair, and other tissues. These are essentials that help our body move, carry oxygen to the blood, make enzymes, and much more. If we talk theoretically, protein is made up of amino acids, which are chemical building blocks that are linked to each other in long chains. There are said to be 20 different types of amino acids that can be joined together to make a protein. 

In recent years, we have seen people include more protein in their diet, making it healthier for their bodies. It is said to be that protein is necessary for every cell of our body. It helps in nourishing nails, hair, bones, and muscles. Further, protein can also help us feel fuller longer than eating foods without protein. So, it brings a win-win situation for all of us. Some of the food that are rich sources of protein are meat, eggs, and milk, as well as soy and quinoa, which are called complete proteins. On the other hand, there are vegan protein sources available, let’s shed light on those!  

What is Plant-based Protein? 

What is Plant-based Protein banner image

Plant-based protein is in demand these days, and the reason being is the benefits that it brings. As mentioned, plant protein is a meaningful source of protein usually extracted from plants. Exclusively retrieved from plants, some usual plant-based protein sources are seeds, nuts, tofu, peas, grains, and pulses – which are a large group of plants that give beans (such as pinto, black, and kidney beans), chickpeas, lentils, and split peas. 

It is worth mentioning that plant-based protein provides a wealth of essential nutrients than animal-based protein, which are basically meat, poultry, and dairy products. From chickpeas and lentils to quinoa and whole lots of seeds, the diversity of plant-based protein sources is extensive and provides ample opportunities for creating a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. 

Opting for plant-based protein is a personal choice as it supports sustainable food production practices. Along with this, it reduces the carbon footprint pertaining to animal agriculture, making it a more environmentally friendly dietary option. Furthermore, there are other benefits of consuming vegan protein sources, let us highlight those!  

Benefits of Plant-based Protein 

Benefits of Plant-based Protein banner image
  1. Rich in Fiber
  2. Gluten-free & Allergy-Free
  3. Muscle Building
  4. Great Source of Multivitamins
  5. Prevents Heart Diseases
  • Rich in Fiber  

    The universal truth is that plant protein is rich in fiber, which is an amazing help for losing weight, reducing cholesterol level, and even it helps in regulating the sugar level in our body.  

    Further, vegan protein powder is something that keeps you fuller for a longer time.   

    • Gluten-free & Allergy-Free 

    Plant-based protein provides various gluten-free and allergy-free options. Some of the gluten-free plant protein sources are brown rice, chia seeds, hemp seeds, etc.  

    It has also been noticed that some whey protein powder causes allergies or bloating, however, vegan protein powder is lactose-free, reaction-free, and is most importantly, is a great option for those with diet restrictions.  

    • Muscle Building  

    One of the exceptional benefits of plant protein is that it helps in promoting muscle thickness. It provides somewhat similar outcomes as whey protein, helping in betterment of performance and body composition. Nonetheless, along with this, muscle building requires proper workout regime. 

    • Great Source of Multivitamins  

    Plant-based protein provides essential multivitamins, usually obtained from soy, pea, and seeds which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. These are the oxidants that mostly are not found in whey protein. Thus, it can also be considered as a great option for raising the energy level as well as improving skin, hair, and teeth health.  

    • Prevents Heart Diseases 

    Cardiovascular diseases are common these days and have become the leading cause of death globally.  An unhealthy diet that consists of high sodium, processed meats, and fat with little to no vegetables, fruits, and nuts can be risky for the heart. Vegan protein sources can lower the risk of heart disease and are also known to optimize blood pressure, causing a safe effect on the human body.  

    Top Plant-Based Protein Sources 

    Top Plant-Based Protein Sources banner image
    1. Soy Products
    2. Legumes
    3. Nuts and Seeds
    4. Vegetables with High Protein Content
    5. Protein-rich Fruits

    Here’s a list of a wide range of plant-based protein that one can consider. The below-mentioned are some of the products that are both nutrient-dense and well-rounded.  

    1. Soy Products (The Complete Protein) 
    • Tofu 
    • Textured vegetable protein (TVP) 
    • Edamame (Beans) 
    • Soy milk 

    2. Legumes 

    • Lentils (black, green, brown) 
    • Kidney beans 
    • Chickpeas 
    • Green peas 

    3. Nuts and Seeds 

    • Walnuts 
    • Almonds 
    • Range of Seeds (Flax seeds, Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Pumpkin seeds)  
    • Peanut, almond butter 

    4. Vegetables with High Protein Content  

    • Spinach 
    • Broccoli 
    • Brussel sprouts 
    • Asparagus 

    5. Protein-rich Fruits  

    • Bananas  
    • Avocado  
    • Guava  
    • Dates  
    • Jackfruit, etc. 

    It is great to mention that plant-based proteins as well as whey are equally beneficial, and it all comes down to personal choice. The best choice solely depends on your dietary requirements & limitations. The major difference lies between the two is that whey protein might have all the necessary amino, but it is not perfect for everybody. On the other hand, a plant-based diet is an amazing option with additional health benefits. Furthermore, if you are someone who wants to know all about the necessary details about Whey protein, you can check the detailed analysis of Whey Protein!  

    Incorporating more plant protein in your diet is a win for your body and our planet’s health. What you must do is better planning and must keep an open mind to try new things, it will allow you to cherish multiple vegan protein sources. 

    Helpful Tips to Transition to Plant-protein Diet  

    Helpful Tips to Transition to Plant-protein Diet banner image

    First, it is important to start slowly as it can get overwhelming. Including plant-based protein gradually, it can be initiated by swapping animal-based protein with beans, tofu, and lentils. With time, it will become your habit.  

    Plan your meal in advance, it will ensure a proper healthy meal. Make sure to incorporate a balanced amount of protein in your diet, it will ensure of adequate amount of protein.  

    It is common to have cravings for animal-based protein or at times, you can feel that you have limited options. The only way to overcome this is to keep yourself satisfied or we can say full of plant-based protein. Not only this, but we must also keep our gut health in a safe shape, so make sure to take proper care of that. Check out the detailed summary of Gut Health and the Food that we can intake to make sure of its health.  

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